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26.10.2016 17:45 - Доживяхме да видим Монсанто пред Международния наказателен съд в Хага за престъпления срещу човечеството!
Автор: bogolubie Категория: Други   
Прочетен: 846 Коментари: 1 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 26.10.2016 17:47

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg
Pett Corby :

Хайде още една ЧУДЕСНА НОВИНА!! image:) Доживяхме да видим Монсанто пред Международния наказателен съд в Хага за престъпления срещу човечеството! 


"Процесът идва в момент, когато съкрушителен нов доклад е пуснат, които показва ГМО продуктите на Монсанто са не само вредни, но че тяхното политическо влияние във Вашингтон и по целия свят е ерозирало демокрацията и е причинило екологичен хаос и социална несправедливост." Това се казва във втория параграф в статията на английски.
(Докладът, в PDF формат, е неверотно интересен https://corporateeurope.org/…/attachme…/monsanto_v09_web.pdf В съдържанието:
"Конкуренти или съюзници? Лобийни асоциации 3
Големите бюджети, за купуване на властта 5
Кой кой е? 6
САЩ: Лобиране чрез правителството - въртящи се врати 8
ЕС: Монсанто се крие зад лобистките асоциации 10
Троянски кон?
Бутане на ГМО в Африка и Азия 12
Уронване на науката 14
"Свободните" търговски споразумения - абсолютното оръжие 17
Заснемане на разговори в ООН за биологичното разнообразие и климата (да разбираме, че те имат пръст е кемтрейлите, които ни тровят денонощтно) 18
Bayer-Monsanto сливане: Позволени монополи? 18")

(Гледайте етикетите на всичко, което купувате за съдържание на генетично модифицирани продукти. Ако на вас ви е все едно, какво ядете поне не ги давайте на децата си. Правитествата ги одобряват, но вие не.)

НИЕ СМЕ МЕДИИТЕ! Споделяйте чудесната новина!

Monsanto Faces Tribunal for ‘Crimes Against Humanity at the Hague  BY THE EARTH CHILD ADMINOCTOBER 23, 2016NEWS  


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Biotech giant Monsanto is facing charges of ‘crimes against humanity’ at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.


A three-day mock trial began on Friday 14 October, headed by anti-GM food activists, in order to establish a legal mechanism that could hold corporations accountable for damage they cause in the pursuit of profit.

The trial comes at a time when a damning new reportwas released that show Monsanto’s GMO products are not only harmful, but that their political influence in Washington and around the world have eroded democracy and caused environmental chaos and social injustice.

Activistpost.com reports:

This tribunal will consist of five international judges listening to the testimonies of thirty witnesses and experts from around the world as they tell their stories profiling the nature of Monsanto’s environmental terrorism on humanity and the planet. A website dedicated to this tribunal (monsantotribunal.org) details some of the background and specifics surrounding the goals of this upcoming tribunal:

The aim of the Tribunal is to give a legal opinion on the environmental and health damage caused by the multinational Monsanto. This will add to the international debate to include the crime of Ecocide into international criminal law. It will also give people all over the world a well documented legal file to be used in lawsuits against Monsanto and similar chemical companies.

Critics of Monsanto claim that the company has been able to ignore the human and environmental damage caused by its products and pursue it devastating activities through a systematic concealment strategy through lobbying regulators and government authorities, lying, corruption, commissioning bogus scientific studies, putting pressure on independent scientists, and manipulating the press.
Our endeavor is based on the observation that only through civic action will we be able to achieve compensation for victims of the American multinational. The procedures are a veritable obstacle course for the victims. They are reluctant to invest time and money in litigation, especially since there is no reason to believe in a positive outcome. Frequently, when a company like Monsanto is the defendant, the company settles out of court, whereby circumventing the establishment of a negative legal precedent.

General purpose of the Tribunal:

To get a ruling- even symbolic – against Monsanto by a bench of real judges, after veritable proceedings in an international court, and contribute to the establishment of international mechanisms to bring justice to victims of multinationals.

Specific objectives:

Assess the case against Monsanto and the damages caused pursuant to international law;
Assess Monsanto’s actions in relation to the crime of ecocide. Citizens’ movements have made an appeal for international criminal law to recognize this as a crime;
Consider a possible amendment of the Rome Statute establishing the International
Criminal Court to include the crime of ecocide, making it possible to try natural and legal persons for this crime.
As you can see, this tribunal is only looking to set the groundwork for a system that needs to be in place for not only halting all of Monsanto’s global genocidal activities but for eventually holding the criminals that run Monsanto and the conspirators who invest in this terrorist entity accountable for their direct and indirect crimes against humanity.

Interestingly this tribunal holds Monsanto to the standards of the UN’s Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 which calls for things like “sustainable environment,” the right to eat healthy food, the right to the enjoyment of the highest standard of health, and even the violation of the freedom of scientific research. Above and beyond all of this, the very serious question of Monsanto’s outright war crimes against humanity will be posed.

Ironically these questions will ultimately be posed to the UN, the same system that labels the natural and necessary nutrient known as CO2 a “pollutant,” so it will be interesting to say the least to see what if anything comes of this on the part of the United Nations.

That the UN labels CO2, arguably the most necessary compound in the planet (O2 notwithstanding) as a “pollutant” but needs to be prodded and pushed to recognize Monsanto’s obvious callous crimes against humanity and nature is alarming in and of itself. While CO2 is the source of all plant life on Earth and thus central to life as we know it, Monsanto has poisoned the planet with their GMO seeds and glyphosate-laced Roundup (admitted to be toxic by the CDC) which has caused irreversible damage to the planet and humanity. The spectrum of genetic and biochemical damage caused by Monsanto’s poisons range from the unnecessary murder of tiny insects needed for the ecologic balance of nature to the destruction and killing of plants around the world, to the poisoning of animals and humans as rates of birth defects, cancer, endocrine disruption and much more have all risen, many which have been associated with Monsanto-like poisons.

You may be wondering, how did we get here? As the tribunal summary indicates, by greed and corruption. Monsanto has employed the same model as the vaccine industry; make profits, pay hush money to those that are injured or killed by your product, and wage an information war of propaganda against your enemies even as the scientific community admits there is no proof that GMOs are safe and scientific evidence proves that GMOs are directly associated with the development of tumors in rats (Seralini study) when given for a duration of time comparable to the lifespan of that creature (unlike the Monsanto’s deceptive “6 month” studies with rats).

In the worst-case scenario I believe this will at least serve as a formal record for the future of humanity to see the criminal actions of Monsanto, and hopefully it will be a stepping stone toward justice and accountability even if it borrows the new world order’s language of “sustainability” and “prosperity.” If Monsanto is not held criminally responsible for their crimes against humanity this will also tell you all you need to know about the true nature of the pseudo “global authority” known as the United Nations, which to this day has no credibility when it comes to true justice and human rights worldwide. Failure to take decisive action against Monsanto’s atrocities against humanity and the planet will offer an opportunity to once again prove the fraudulent front that the UN represents in the first place. Let’s not forget the UN is also the useless “official” government body of the new world order conveniently created by the ruling elite themselves after world war 2. Thus getting one’s hopes up too high about this upcoming tribunal without acknowledging the true nature and commitment of the UN is naive.

Тагове:   Монсанто,   в Хага,   на съд,


1. dimat - Хм!Не бързайте да се радвате!
27.10.2016 12:37
Тъй като аз минавам пред себе си за скептик-реалист,ПОДОЗИРАМ,ЧЕ,"Монсанто" ще спечели делото и не само това,но и ще извлече ползи,А НАЙ-ГОЛЯМАТА ПОЛЗА И НАЙ-ГОЛЯМАТА ЦЕЛ,ще бъде показна наказателнао-предупредителна акция пред светоното стадо,за това,какво го очаква и от което няма спасение!!

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